Sunday, May 30, 2010

Killer-SMS provides panic

Cairo - This case is very similar to the U.S. horror movie "The Ring": Who I watch a weird video, must die one week later.
A similar rumor puts all of Egypt is currently in a panic. Persistently claimed: Who receives a specific SMS with the digits 111, must die on the spot.
The killer-SMS in the country on the Nile was triggered by a mysterious legend mistaken death. After a man from Mallawi (south of Cairo) had received an SMS that he had died of a stroke.
The fear among the Egyptians is apparently so great that even now had to intervene, the Ministry of Health. "These rumors contradict all scientific evidence," it says in a statement.
 The Home Office will now have arrested three oil workers, which should have brought the news of the killer-SMS in circulation.