Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Giant Tim (2, 11) makes the strong Baskets

Bonn - had insider suspects since Tuesday it's official: The Telekom Baskets Bonn international Tim Ohlbrecht have committed. The 21-year-old signed for two years at the runner.
If I get a Ohlbrecht Tim, I know what I'm doing. I know what he can. "This sentence tries Bonn coach Mike Koch stifle critics of all votes in the bud. "I have the task of developing the players here, and I am looking forward enormously."
And the national coach but good looks at this change. "Mike Koch is an ideal coach for Tim. From this transfer three sides: the baskets, the national team - and Tim enjoy themselves, "says Dirk Bauer man in conversation with EXPRESS. "It is gratifying when young German national team of top teams in the league are required."
So that the cadres of the baskets for the 2009/2010 season is complete. Besides Ohlbrecht came Jared Jordan (Lietuvos Rytas Vilnius / LIT), Bryce Taylor (Premiata Montegranaro / ITA) and Chris Ensminger (Paderborn) new to the team. Has not changed is John Strasser, Vincent Yarbrough, Artur Kolodziejski, John Bowler, Patrick Flomo, Alex King and the two youngsters Fabian Thüllig and Jonas Wohlfahrt-Botter man.
The baskets left EJ Rowland (Vanoli Soresina / ITA), Matthias Heyde by Brand (SG Sechtem), Ken Johnson, Winsome Frazier, Brandon Bowman, Tim Clifford and Kevin Lubanzadio (all targets have yet unknown).
On Friday, the new team will travel (but still without Ohlbrecht) training camp in Rotenburg an der Fulda (to 11 September). The international will by 20 September to join his new colleagues. Then ends the European Championship in Poland, which denies the 2.11-meter chicken with the DBB-selection. Koch sees no problem: "First, it is in the juice when it comes to us. Second, many other teams also have the problem that players only come later. It's like this in basketball. "