Monday, April 12, 2010

"Robert can not train more"

Cologne - It was Just a month ago, when the terminally ill Sharks goalkeeper Robert Mueller (28) against Nuremberg and in Krefeld, two moving inserts in Cologne celebrated the gate.
"On the bench are the tears of every shot in the eye," said then team-mate Andreas Renz.
No one know what it was: it could be probably the last two ice ages for Robert Mueller have been.
Due to its ever-worsening health condition caused by the incurable brain tumor, he will probably never really be able to play hockey.
Last Monday, the Sharks keeper has started a new chemotherapy to fight the cancer.
His attending physician, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wick, University of Heidelberg, cleared on Thursday of the EXPRESS conversation.
"Robert is not physically able to work out. The new therapy has made him very geschlaucht and. So it is not safe for him and for all concerned if he goes on the ice. "
Bad news for all fans and for the likeable goalkeeper. "The matter has become very complicated," says Prof. Wick. "It takes Robert and his family very much."
A very emotional to be a globally respected career, beloved 28-year-old goalkeeper has probably ended much too soon. Mueller, a relentless fighter, a representative of fair, clean, skandalfreies hockey, is physically too weak to return to the ice.
"It's not about feeling better, but worse," said Sharks CEO Thomas Eichin EXPRESS.Dennoch to stand next to him, the sharks to pay his salary to take on additional costs once the family.
As the concentration falls on the three very important games against direct competitors for the pre-playoffs today in Augsburg, on Sunday at home against Hamburg, Ingolstadt, and on Tuesday against very heavy.
"Sporty times we had a great Christmas if we win all three games," says Renz. But the sharks are mentally ill only when their keeper.