Friday, February 19, 2010

Because Pinkel noise bugged - 10% less rent

Berlin - Can you pee in the living room, the noise of the neighbors to hear? Then this is a housing shortage - and such a shortage justifies rent reduction of ten percent.
No kidding! This has now decided the regional court in Berlin.
Tenants in Berlin had more than two years paid a ten Prozentgeminderte rent because they could hear in her living room to the Nachbarnbei performing the standing of the "small business".
This was also confirmed by an expert. There were indeed nichtsämtliche noises from the bathroom area of the other apartment lauthörbar, but that was Urinstrahlgeräusch a "Stehpinklers" seiakustisch hear clearly conspicuous.
The large reduction in rent list: What does how much? Click HERE>
Even with a 30Jahre old buildings like the one that inhabit the tenant could erwartetwerden that "no such experience but very penetrating and unpleasant living Geräuscheim" says the tenants diebe founding of the court.
Such hear noises from next door in their own bath, is nochhinnehmbar. In the living room that was not the case. Einezehnprozentige reduction is therefore appropriate.